Estimados Padres de SSD No 11, Actualización: amenaza levantada. Tenga en cuenta que hay una antigua publicación de tendencia en las redes sociales de 2021 que indica que se producirán actos amenazantes el 24 de abril. Esto ocurre anualmente. Las autoridades han confirmado que no hay ninguna amenaza y que todos los sitios escolares están regresando a sus actividades regulares. Las autoridades permanecerán alerta. Muchas gracias por su apoyo y paciencia. Qué tengas un lindo día. Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con el Departamento de Policía de San Luis.
11 months ago, Somerton School District #11
Dear SSD No 11 Parents, Update: threat lifted. Please be aware there is an old 2021 trending social media post stating threatening acts will occur on April 24th. This occurs yearly. Law enforcement has confirmed there is no threat and all school sites are returning to regular activities. Law enforcement will remain vigilant. Thank you so much for your support and patience. Have a great day. If you have questions, please San Luis Police Department.
11 months ago, Somerton School District #11
Dear SSD No 11 Parents, We have been notified by the Sheriff’s department about a possible school threat. There appears to be no credible threat at the moment. The Somerton District is working with the Gadsden District and Law Enforcement to investigate. The district is taking every possible precaution for safety and Law Enforcement is present, active and alert. All are well and safe at OGS. We will keep you posted.
11 months ago, Somerton School District #11
Estimados Padres de SSD No 11, Hemos sido notificados por parte de el Departamento de Sheriff acerca de una amenaza escolar. Hasta el momento no hay amenaza creíble. El distrito de somerton esta trabajando con el distrito de Gadsden y las autoridades para investigar. El distrito esta tomando todas las precauciones de seguridad posibles, y las autoridades están presentes, activas y alertas. Todos están a salvo en OGS. Los estaremos informando.
11 months ago, Somerton School District #11
Estimados Padres de SSD No 11, Hemos sido notificados por parte de el Departamento de Sheriff acerca de una amenaza escolar. Hasta el momento no hay amenaza creíble. El distrito de somerton esta trabajando con el distrito de Gadsden y las autoridades para investigar. El distrito esta tomando todas las precauciones de seguridad posibles, y las autoridades están presentes, activas y alertas. Todos están a salvo en OGS. Los estaremos informando.
11 months ago, Somerton School District #11
Dear SSD No 11 Parents, We have been notified by the Sheriff’s department about a possible school threat. There appears to be no credible threat at the moment. The Somerton District is working with the Gadsden District and Law Enforcement to investigate. The district is taking every possible precaution for safety and Law Enforcement is present, active and alert. All are well and safe at OGS. We will keep you posted.
11 months ago, Somerton School District #11
Sheriff's Office
Dear SSD No 11 Parents, please take time to read. Estimados Padres de SSD No 11, por favor tome el tiempo para leer.
11 months ago, Somerton School District #11
Dear SSD No 11 Parents, please read our Spring Newsletter! ¡Estimados Padres de SSD No 11, por favor lea nuestro Boletín de Primavera!
11 months ago, Somerton School District #11
Dear SSD No 11 Parents, you are invited to attend the Bond Committee Meeting to discuss school projects through all of our schools. Your input is very much appreciated. Today March 27th at Sun Valley Elementary at 5:00PM Estimados Padres de SSD No 11, están invitados a asistir a la junta del comité de bonos para discutir proyectos para las escuelas en todo el distrito. Su opinion es muy apreciada. Hoy 27 de marzo en Primaria Sun Valley a las 5:00PM.
11 months ago, Somerton School District #11
Dear SSD No 11 Parents, the soft lockdown has been lifted. Everyone is safe. Thank you so much for your patience. Estimados Padres de SSD No 11, el cierre suave ah terminado. Todos están a salvo. Gracias por su paciencia.
12 months ago, Somerton School District #11
Estimados padres de SSD No 11, esta mañana se notificó a SSD que a las escuelas primarias Rio Colorado, Arizona Desert y San Luis Middle School se les recomendó un cierre suave por parte del Departamento de Policía de San Luis. Actualmente, todas las escuelas SSD No 11 están llevando a cabo un cierre suave para garantizar la seguridad de todos los estudiantes y el personal. Todas las escuelas siguen horarios normales y todos están a salvo. Los mantendremos informados sobre cualquier cambio. Gracias por su apoyo.
12 months ago, Somerton School District #11
Dear SSD No 11 Parents, this morning SSD was notified that Rio Colorado Elementary, Arizona Desert Elementary, and San Luis Middle School were recommended soft lockdown per San Luis Police Department. Currently all SSD No 11 schools are conducting a soft lockdown to ensure safety of all students and staff. All schools are following normal schedules and all are safe. We will keep you posted on any changes. Thank you for your support.
12 months ago, Somerton School District #11
Somerton School District#11: The Somerton School District is submitting applications for the 21st Century Grant. Each district is limited to applications from five schools. The schools from our district applying for this grant include Desert Sonora Elementary, Somerton Middle School, Tierra Del Sol Elementary, Sun Valley Elementary, and Valle Del Encanto. El Distrito Escolar de Somerton está presentando solicitudes para la Beca del Siglo 21. Cada distrito está limitado a aplicaciones de cinco escuelas. Las escuelas de nuestro distrito que están solicitando esta beca incluyen la Escuela Desert Sonora, Somerton Middle School, Tierra Del Sol, Sun Valley y Valle Del Encanto.
about 1 year ago, Antonio Duarte
Dear SSD No 11 Parents, registrations for 2024-2025 school year are open! ¡Estimados Padres de SSD No 11, las registraciones para el año escolar 2024-2025 ya están abiertas!
about 1 year ago, Somerton School District #11
The Maintenance/Facilities and Grounds Department would like to thank the Somerton School District's Business Administration for assisting us in purchasing an aerial boom lift. Our department would like to extend our gratitude to them for understanding our needs and for their amazing effort and contributions. Finally, we would like to recognize our entire department who works extremely hard day-in-day-out to assure student and staff safety. Our department attended various instructional training, assessments, hands-on training, and inspections to become certified operators for the boom lift.
about 1 year ago, Jason Abundiz
Maintenance appreciation group photo
new lift for maintenance department
Dear SMS Parents, please read. From the Somerton School District Office. Estimados Padres de SMS, favor de leer. De parte de la Oficina del Distrito Escolar de Somerton.
about 1 year ago, Somerton School District #11
Yard Sale! February 24,2024 8:00am-1:00pm
about 1 year ago, Pheony Vera
Technology Department
about 1 year ago, Pheony Vera
Technology department
Technology department