Somerton School District #11 is offering surplus equipment for sale at prices listed at www.ssd11.org, in accordance with Arizona Administrative Code (A.A.C.) R7-2-11131. First come, first served, until sold. Sale starts February 24,2024.
General Information:
All equipment is sold “as is.” The District withholds all implied or expressed warranties. Buyers or agents are responsible for inspecting the condition of the property prior to purchase. The buyer or agent agrees to hold harmless and defend SSD from and against all claims arising from the use of the equipment/materials listed.
Property must be removed from District’s premises within 5 days after purchase. The District shall not make any arrangements for removal of property for buyers.
All sales are final – no refunds.
The District reserves the right to withdraw from sale any item(s) advertised for sale at any time prior to the date of the sale. The District may not donate property to individuals or organizations.
For additional information or an inspection appointment, contact Jill Franco at (928)341-6018 or my email at jfranco@ssd11.org .
Employee Purchases: Per A.A.C. R-2-1131(C)(5), an employee of the school district or a governing board member shall not directly or indirectly purchase or agree with another person to purchase surplus property if said employee or board member is, or has been, directly or indirectly involved in the purchase, disposal, maintenance or preparation for sale of the surplus material.
$5 each