Good evening homework packet are available from 4 to 6 pm today in the Sms Cafeteria for those students that do not have iPads. Thank you.
Buenas tardes los paquetes de tareas van a estar disponibles de 4 hasta las seis de la tarde en la cafetería de Sms. Gracias.
over 4 years ago, Jose Moreno
Good evening homework packet are available until 6 pm today in the Sms Cafeteria for those students that do not have iPads. Thank you.
Buenas tardes los paquetes de tareas van a estar disponibles hasta las seis de la tarde en la cafetería de Sms. Gracias.
over 4 years ago, Jose Moreno
Good evening homework packet are available until 6 pm today in the Sms Cafeteria for those students that do not have iPads. Thank you.
Buenas tardes los paquetes de tareas van a estar disponibles hasta las seis de la tarde en la cafetería de Sms. Gracias.
over 4 years ago, Jose Moreno
Reminder, homework packets will be available from 4 to 6pm today in the cafeteria only for students that do not have an iPad.
Recordatorio, tareas van a estar disponible hoy de 4 a 6 P.M. en la cafetería sólo para estudiantes que no tienen tableta
over 4 years ago, Jose Moreno
Good evening parents we hope you’re all doing well. Our education process has now been fully transferred to our online platforms. If you have not been contacted by one of our teachers please send us a message to If iPad support is needed we will be available in the front office from 8 AM to 1 PM. Thank you.
Buenas tardes padres de familia esperemos que se encuentren bien. Nuestro sistema de educación se ha transferido totalmente al internet y las iPads. Si no han tenido contacto con un maestro en los últimos tres días por favor mándenos un correo a si necesitan ayuda tecnológica el técnico va a estar disponible de ocho A.M. a una P.M. en la oficina
over 4 years ago, Jose Moreno
Buenas tardes los maestros de sus hijos han puesto materia en Google Classroom Y Moodle. Si necesitan copias de la materia o no tienen internet mándeme un mensaje por Facebook o a mi correo electrónico Gracias
over 4 years ago, Jose Moreno
Cobras your teachers have uploaded student work into google classroom and Moodle. If you have internet this is where we would like you to do your assignments. If you don’t have access to the internet or need packets please message us through Facebook or email at
Also if you are a student who has Successmaker or Elevate you can also access your program just how you do in class. Students are also available to email teachers through school email.
Cobra Pride!!
over 4 years ago, Jose Moreno
All Somerton Schools will serve Breakfast 7am-10am and Lunch 11am-1pm every day.
Todas las escuelas de Somerton servirán desayuno de 7 am a 10 am y almuerzo de 11 am a 1 pm todos los días.
over 4 years ago, Kim Seh
Orange Grove y escuelas de Arizona estarán cerradas del 16 al 27 de marzo de 2020 debido al reciente brote de COVID-19 como medida de precaución. Cualquier actualización e información nos mantendremos en contacto a través de nuestro sistema de mensajería y los sitios web de.
over 4 years ago, Kim Seh
Orange Grove and all Arizona school will be closed from Monday March 16-Mach 27 due to recent COVID-19. This is a precautionary measure. Any updates and information will be given via messaging system, district website and marquee. Sorry for any inconvenience.
over 4 years ago, Kim Seh
Somerton Middle School will be closed for the next two weeks. For the safety of our children, staff, and community Governor Ducey has canceled school for the next two weeks. Schools will be closed from Monday March 16th through Friday March 27th. We will keep you informed as information becomes available. Thank you
La escuela de Somerton Middle School no tendrá clases por las siguientes dos semanas. La escuela estará cerrada de Lunes Marzo 16 a viernes Marzo 27. Los mantendremos informados. Gracias
over 4 years ago, Jose Moreno
Tierra del Sol and all Arizona schools will be closed from Monday, March 16-27, 2020 as a precautionary measure due to recent COVID-19 outbreak. Any updates and information we will stay in touch via our phone messaging and website. Please stay healthy and limit social gatherings
over 4 years ago, Gema Felix
Reminder to all 8th grade parents, Kofa registration is today from 5:30 to 7:00 in the SMS Library.
Recordatorio a los padres de niños del grado ocho, inscripciones para Kofa son hoy de 5:30 a 7:00 de la tarde en la biblioteca de la escuela SMS.
over 4 years ago, Jose Moreno
Good afternoon, our parent-teacher conferences will be today from 5:00 to 7:30 in our SMS cafeteria. Thank you.
Buenas Tardes, les queremos recordar que las conferencias de maestros y padres es hoy de 5:00 a 7:30 de la tarde en la cafetería. Gracias
almost 5 years ago, Jose Moreno
We want to make you aware of rumor that has started about a shooting at Somerton Middle School. Student safety is always our number one priority. Somerton Police department has been involved and there is no evidence of a threat to our students or school. Our students are safe and school will continue to follow its regular schedule. Thank you
Padres les quiero dejar saber que salieron Rumores que iba haber peligro en la escuela este día. La seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y nuestra escuela es prioridad . Nos comunicamos con el departamento de policías y investigamos los rumores. Nuestros estudiantes están seguros y clases seguirán con su horario regular. Gracias
almost 5 years ago, Jose Moreno
Reminder Science Night today from 5:00 to 6:30 in our SMS Gym.
almost 5 years ago, Jose Moreno
We would love to wish all Cobras, parents, and teachers a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family. Be safe and enjoy.
Le quisiéramos desear a todos los estudiantes padres y maestros un fabuloso día de acción de gracias. Disfruten su tiempo con familia Y buenas amistades
almost 5 years ago, Jose Moreno
Good evening parents and guardians. Your child will be participating in our school wide fundraiser tomorrow from 9 to 11am. If your child wishes to do so they can buy snacks throughout the event from our school snake bar. Thank you for your support.
Buenas tardes padres de familia. Su hijo/a participará en nuestra recaudación de fondos junto con toda la escuela, mañana de 9 a 11 am. Si su hijo/a desea hacerlo, puede comprar bocadillos durante todo el evento que se estarán a la venta. Gracias por tu apoyo.
almost 5 years ago, Jose Moreno
Good afternoon, parent/teacher conferences are today from 5:00 to 7:30 PM in the gym and cafeteria. Thank you
Buenas tardes conferencias de padres y maestros serán hoy de cinco de la tarde a siete en el gimnasio y la cafetería. Gracias
about 5 years ago, Jose Moreno
Good evening SMS parents this is a reminder that parent teacher conferences will be tomorrow Thursday, September 5th in the cafeteria and gym from 5 to 7 PM. Thank you.