SMS would like to thank our Somerton Community for the continued support with our iPads. Our return days are as follows
8th Monday May 14th
7th Tuesday May 15th
6th Wednesday May 16th.
Students please bring your iPad, cable, adapter, case and money if you owe. Let us know if you have any questions. Go Cobras 🐍!
Please note the schedule change that will take place between now and the end of the year. The next two Wednesdays students will be dismissed at 3:35. Every thing else will remain the same.
Congratulations to our 7thand 8th grade students on their prizes. It paid off to try your best on AzMerit. Go Cobras🐍!
Congratulations to Mr. Carter on winning a gift card to Subway in honor of teacher appreciation week. Go Cobras 🐍.
Come Support Chess Club Tonight at the Avenue B Panda Express from 6PM-9PM.
Congratulations to Ms. Abbago on winning a gift card to Applebee’s in Honor of Teacher Appreciation Week. Thank you SMS PTL. Go Cobras 🐍!
Congratulations SMS chess for your wins at the Scholastic Chess Tournament in San Diego!
Somerton School District will reopen all schools on Friday May 4th, 2018.
El Distrito Escolar De Somerton reabrirá todas las escuelas el viernes 4 de mayo de 2018.
Students our Friday dance will be canceled. We are sorry. Go Cobras 🐍!
Congratulations to our three Highly Proficient AzMerit winners. SMS Student Council recognized them with the latest and greatest Beats Headphones. Go Cobras🐍!
Congratulations to our 6th Grade “Try Your Best” on AZMerit winners. Enjoy your gift card, headphones, and speaker. 7th and 8th Grade to come. Go Cobras 🐍!
Best of luck to our SMS Students and Staff as we start our AZMerit Testing tomorrow. Students make sure to bring your iPads fully charged and your headphones. Go Cobras! 🐍
Best of luck to our 8th graders as they take the Science AIMS Test Tomorrow. Remember to bring your iPads fully charged as well as your brains. Go Cobras 🐍!
Somerton Middle School’s Aurora Johnson and Alaysiah Twist next to their artwork for the art show at the Heard Native American Art Museum in Phoenix. They are displaying their art there .. that is quite an honor. Great job Mr. Layne. Go Cobras🐍!
Congratulations to Mrs. Alanna Garcia on being our 2018 SMS Teacher of the year. Good luck. Go Cobras 🐍!
SMS 7th & 8th Grade Boys Basketball End of Season Banquet will be this Wednesday March 7 @Dragon de Oro (257 W. Main st., Somerton, AZ) from 6pm-8pm.
Congrats SMS Chess for your wins at the Spring Scholastic Tournament!
SMS Drama representing at Kofa High. Great job Cobras and Ms. Z! 🐍
Meet our 2018 Girls Soccer Team and Boys Basketball Team. Go Cobras 🐍!
Good luck to Samuel Camacho and the Somerton Team as they compete at the Yuma County Spelling Bee. Go Cobras 🐍!