Dear SMS Parents/Guardians, 🗞Our monthly newsletter is now available! Please take a moment to read through it for important updates and news about our school. Thank you for your support! 💚 #TheCobraWayEveryDay
16 days ago, Noemi Castro
Dear Cobra Parents, Our November newsletter is now available! We invite you to take a look at this month's highlights, celebrate our achievements, and take note of important upcoming events. As always, thank you for staying connected with our school community. #TheCobraWayEveryDay
2 months ago, Noemi Castro
📌Mid-Galileo Testing Week Math - Tuesday, Dec. 3rd Reading - Thursday, Dec. 5th Science - Friday, Dec. 6th Attendance matters, Cobras! 📌Examenes de Galileo Martes 3 de diciembre: Matemáticas Jueves 5 de diciembre: Lectura Viernes 6 de diciembre: Ciencias ¡Es sumamente importante asistir a la escuela diariamente, Cobras!
2 months ago, Noemi Castro
Testing Galileo
Hello Somerton Middle School Parents, please click on the link below to review a memo with information regarding an upcoming school construction project. Hola padres de la escuela Somerton Middle School: Haga clic en el enlace a continuación para revisar un memorando con información sobre un próximo proyecto de construcción en nuestra escuela.
3 months ago, Raul Rascon
Construction Project
📢 Attention Cobra Families! Our monthly newsletter is out! 🎉 Stay updated with important news, upcoming events, and highlights from our amazing students and staff. 👉🏼Click here: #TheCobraWayEveryDay
3 months ago, Noemi Castro
Your dedication to our school, students, and staff is truly inspiring. Thank you for always being approachable, encouraging us to grow, and for your unwavering commitment to the success of our Cobras! 💪🐍 We are grateful to have you leading our school and wish you a wonderful National Principal's Month!
4 months ago, Noemi Castro
Happy Nat.
Happy Boss Day!
4 months ago, Antonio Duarte
happy boss day
We are excited to invite you to read our latest Somerton Middle School Monthly Newsletter! It’s filled with recognitions, important updates, upcoming events, and helpful resources to keep you informed about what’s happening at SMS. Stay connected with us and be part of our community! Los invitamos a leer nuestro último Boletín Mensual. ¡En el encontrará reconocimientos, actualizaciones, próximos eventos y recursos útiles para mantenerlos informados sobre lo que está sucediendo en SMS! Manténganse conectados con nosotros y sean parte de nuestra comunidad. 📌
4 months ago, Noemi Castro
Mark your calendars and join us for our September PTO meeting on Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at 5:30 PM in the SMS Gym. ¡Marquen sus calendarios y acompáñenos a nuestra reunión de PTO de septiembre este miércoles, 11 de septiembre del 2024, a las 5:30 PM en el gimnasio de SMS!
5 months ago, Noemi Castro
Dear SSD No 11 Parents, you are invited to coffee with the Superintendent! ¡Estimados Padres de SSD No 11, están invitados a tomar café con el Superintendente!
5 months ago, District
coffe with supt
coffe with supt
See you next week! ¡Los esperamos!
5 months ago, Noemi Castro
🇺🇸 There will be no school this coming Monday, September 2nd, in observance of Labor Day. Enjoy the holiday! 🐍 🇺🇸 No habrá clases este próximo lunes, 2 de septiembre, en conmemoración del Día del Trabajo. ¡Disfruten del día festivo! 🐍
5 months ago, Noemi Castro
Labor Day
📌Reminder August Title I/PTO Meeting this Wednesday, August 14th, at 5:30 PM in the SMS Gym. Join us, Cobras Families! 💚💪🏼🐍 📌Recordatorio Nuestra primer junta de PTO y Title I se llevará acabo este miércoles 14 de agosto a las 5:30 p.m. en el gimnasio SMS. ¡Los esperamos! 💚💪🏼🐍 #togetherwithrigorwethrive #savethedate #cobrapride
6 months ago, Noemi Castro
Morning and afternoon safety advise, please review and share with your son/daughter.
6 months ago, Raul Rascon
Safety Advise
Open House 7/25/2024
7 months ago, Noemi Castro
Open House
First Day of School is July 30th!
7 months ago, Noemi Castro
Back to School
7 months ago, Noemi Castro
Back to School
S M S 📌 Reminder: 🎓Cap & Gown Picture Day! Thursday, April 24th 📌 Recordatorio: 🎓¡Día de fotos con toga y birrete! Jueves 24 de abril
10 months ago, Noemi Castro
Cap & gown
April 22, 2024 Good afternoon parents, 🏐Today's volleyball game against Crane will be held at SMS. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you.
10 months ago, Noemi Castro
🐍S M S 📌Reminder AASA Testing Tuesday, April 16th: 📚Reading Part 1 & 2 Thursday, April 18th: 📊Mathematics Part 1 & 2 📌Recordatorio Exámenes Estatales AASA Martes 16 de abril: 📚Lectura Parte 1 y 2 Jueves 18 de abril: 📊Matemáticas Parte 1 y 2 #YouGotThis #WeBelieveinYou #CobraPride
10 months ago, Noemi Castro