🤓Somerton High School will be hosting an informational parent & registration night this Thursday, January 26th, at 6:00 p.m. in the SMS Gym. Join us, parents & 8th grade students! 🐃
🤓Acompáñenos este jueves, 26 de enero a las 6:00 p.m. en el gimnasio de la escuela para una noche informativa e inscripciones para todos los estudiantes del 8° y padres de familia. 🐃
![Image that says Somerton High School Parent Night 6:00PM SMS Gym January 26, 2023](https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/3661847/large_shs_parent_night.jpeg)
You are cordially invited to our January 2023 SMS PTO Meeting this Wednesday, Jan. 23rd at 5:30 p.m. in the SMS Gym. We hope to see you can attend! Thank you!
Están cordialmente invitados a la junta de PTO de Enero este miércoles, 25 de enero del 2023 a las 5:30 p.m. en el gimnasio de SMS. Esperamos puedan asistir! Gracias!
![Image that invites people to the PTO meeting January 25 at 5:30pm](https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/3649804/large_Green_and_Yellow_Modern_School_Admission_Flyer-2.png)
🥳Let's Celebrate our 100th Day of School with Pajama Day this Monday, Jan. 23rd.
👉🏼No slippers/Crocs
Follow dress code
🥳Celebremos nuestro día número 100 de instrucción usando pijamas este lunes, 23 de enero.
👉🏼No se permiten pantuflas ni ningún zapato abierto.
Sigamos el código de vestimenta en todo momento.
![Image that says Let's celebrate our 100th day of school with pajama day](https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/3638716/large_Screen_Shot_2023-01-21_at_11.26.30_AM.png)
👉🏼 January PTO Meeting 🐍
We will recognize our Most Improved, Students & Cobras of the Month! 💚
👉🏼 Junta de PTO del mes de enero 🐍
¡Reconoceremos a nuestros estudiantes más sobresalientes del mes! 💚
Join us! 👇🏼🏫
¡Acompañenos! 👇🏼🏫
![image that says PTO meeting January 25th, 2023 at 5:30pm](https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/3610894/large_IMG_7194.jpg)
Cobra Families,
SMS will be hosting its first Saturday School of 2023 on January 21st from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Permission slips were sent home on Friday (1/13) with students needing to attend this Saturday School session.
Please allow your child to join us and have an opportunity to work on missing assignments and/or make up excessive absences.
👉🏼Permissions slips are due Tuesday, Jan. 17th.
📌If you have any questions, contact the office and ask to speak to Ms. Castro, After School/Saturday School Coordinator.
Thank you for your collaboration & support!
Padres y tutores,
SMS organizará su primer sábado de escuela del año 2023 este 21 de enero de 8:30 a.m. a 12:00 p.m. Todos los estuidantes que han sido recomendados para asistir este sábado recibieron permisos y avisos el pasado viernes, 13 de enero.
Por favor, permita que su hijo/a se una a nosotros y tenga la oportunidad de completar trabajos o tareas que le hagan falta o reponga faltas excesivas.
👉🏼Los permisos deben ser enviados a la escuela con su hijo/a el día de mañana, martes 17 de enero.
📌Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese a la oficina y pida hablar con Ms. Castro, Coordinadora de la escuela los días sábados y tutorías académicas.
¡Gracias por su apoyo y colaboración!
![image that says saturday school jan 21st, 8:30am-12pm](https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/3610877/large_IMG_7193.jpg)
👉🏽Friendly reminder:
We have Galileo testing this week, Cobras!
All students will report to their 4th period class, tomorrow, Monday (12/05) & Tuesday (12/06).
¡Tendremos exámenes de Galileo toda esta semana, Cobras! Todos los estudiantes se reportarán a la clase de 4º periodo mañana, lunes 5 y el martes 6 de diciembre.
![image that says we have galileo testing this week, Monday (12/05) Math test Tuesday (12/06) ELA and Science Tests. Thursday and Friday (12/08-12/-9) Make ups.](https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/3426584/large_image.png)
Good morning Cobra Families,
SMS will be hosting its second Saturday School on Nov. 5th from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Permission slips will go home today with students needing to attend this Saturday.
Please allow your child to join us and have an opportunity to work on missing assignments and/or make up absences.
If you have any questions, contact the office and ask to speak to Ms. Castro, After School/Saturday School Coordinator.
Thank you.
Buenos días familias Cobra,
SMS organizará su segunda escuela sabatina el 5 de noviembre de 8:30 a. m. a 12:00 p. m. Los formularios de permiso se enviarán a casa hoy con los estudiantes que necesitan asistir este sábado.
Permita que su hijo se una a nosotros y tenga la oportunidad de trabajar en las tareas faltantes y/o recuperar las ausencias.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con la oficina y pida hablar con la Sra. Castro, Coordinadora de la Escuela de los Sábados/Después de la Escuela.
![image that says saturday school nov 5th, 8:30am-12pm](https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/3266422/large_IMG_6789.jpg)
Good morning Cobra Families,
SMS will be hosting its first Saturday School on 10/22/22 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Permission slips were sent home yesterday (10/19) with students needing to attend this Saturday.
Please allow your child to join us and have an opportunity to work on missing assignments and/or make up absences.
If you have any questions, please contact the office and ask to speak to Ms. Castro, After School/Saturday School Coordinator.
Thank you.
Buenas tardes padres de familia,
SMS organizará su primer sábado de escuela el 22 de octubre de 8:30 a. m. a 12:00 p. m. Los formularios y permisos se enviaron a casa desde el día de ayer (19 de octubre) a todos aquellos estudiantes que deban asistir este sábado.
Por favor, permita que su hijo/a se una a nosotros y tenga la oportunidad de trabajar en tareas y trabajos faltantes o reponga ausencias. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese a la oficina de y pida hablar con Ms. Castro, Coordinadora de tutorías y escuela los días sábados.
![image of a school with the words Saturday School](https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/3170896/large_satschool.png)
Good morning:
Teachers on duty, we will go to the gym and monitor students. Thank you.
Come meet your student's teachers at the SMS Open House Wednesday evening. It starts at 5pm in the gym!
Estimadas familias de SMS,
Por favor leer esta carta de las directoras de SMS. Estamos muy emocionadas de comenzar nuestro año escolar! Los vemos pronto!
![Carta de Directoras](https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/2685752/large_Screen_Shot_2022-07-11_at_5.01.08_PM.png)
Dear SMS Families,
Please read the following letter. We are excited to welcome you to our next school year! See you soon!
![Admin. Letter](https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/live_feed_image/image/2685749/large_Screen_Shot_2022-07-11_at_4.55.16_PM.png)
I Pad Return This week!
8th grade Ipad Return Tuesday 05/17/2022, return Ipad, case, charger block and cord!
7th grade Ipad Return Thursday 05/19/2022, return Ipad, case, charger block and cord!
Parent Night/Academic Night is this Thursday At SMS! Join us from 5-7pm for a trip around the world!
Good morning Parents,
Thank you for your continued support with our state testing schedule. This week is the last of testing and we want to make sure your child has their iPad, corded headphones and eat good breakfast for the rest of the week to assure a successful last week of testing. Thank you and have a great day
Buenos dias Padres,
Gracias por su continuo apoyo con nuestro calendario de pruebas estatales. Esta semana es la última de las pruebas y queremos asegurarnos de que su hijo tenga su iPad, auriculares con cable y que coma un buen desayuno durante el resto de la semana para asegurar una última semana de pruebas exitosa. Gracias y que tengas un buen día
Reminder that State testing is this week Tuesday-Friday. Make sure to bring charged i-pads, rested brains and your wired headphones!
Come support our home games today at 4pm! Girls Volleyball and Boys Flag Football! Go Cobras!
AzScience Testing and ASAA Writing testing this week!
Please make sure to be on time, well fed and have your I-pad Charged and ready to go!
Join us after school today for Girls Volleyball in the Gym or Boys Flag Football in the fields starting at 4pm!
Spirit Week
Mon 03/21 - Mismatch socks for Autism awareness.
Tues 03/22 - Favorite Spongebob character
Weds 03/23 - Tourist Day
Thurs 03/24 - Hippie Day
Fri 03/25 - $1 free dress (must meet dress code