Food Service Hours @ OGS: Breakfast 7am-8:30am Lunch 11am-12:30pm Bring your Student ID. Guests price: Breakfast $2.50 Lunch $4.00. Horario de servicio de alimentos @ OGS: Desayuno de 7 am a 8:30 am Almuerzo de 11 am a 12:30 pm Traiga su identificación de estudiante Precio invitados: Desayuno $ 2.50 Almuerzo $ 4.00.
over 4 years ago, Kim Seh
Food Service
Announcing! Kinder Registration is Open! Hurry to Register to get your spot! Office Hours 7am-3:30pm Anunciando! ¡El registro de Kinder está abierto! ¡Date prisa en registrarte para conseguir tu lugar! Horario de atención 7 am-3:30pm
over 4 years ago, Kim Seh
Dear OGS Parents, our school office is now closed for the summer. We will be back July 7th for inquiries over the phone only, until further notice. We hope you have a good summer and stay safe! Queridos padres de OGS, nuestra oficina ya esta cerrada por el verano. Estaremos de regreso el 7 de Julio para consultas por telefono solamente hasta nuevo aviso. Esperamos que tengan un buen verano y permanezcan seguros!
over 4 years ago, Somerton School District #11
Dear OGS parents, happy Tuesday. Our cafeteria is now open! Thank you. Queridos padres de OGS, feliz martes. Nuestra cafeteria ya esta abierta. Gracias!
over 4 years ago, Somerton School District #11
AVISO!! Nuestra cafeteria seguira cerrada hoy y mañana. Abriremos hasta el miercoles, 20 de mayo. Nuestro personal se hizo la prueba de Covid-19, pero no han recibito resultados. Esta es solo una medida de precaucion que estamos tomando para la seguridad de todos. Gracias.
over 4 years ago, Somerton School District #11
UPDATE! Our cafeteria will remain closed today Monday and tomorrow, Tuesday. We will reopen until Wednesday, May 20th. Our staff got tested for Covid-19, but they have not gotten any results back. Be advised this is just a precaution to ensure everyone's safety. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Somerton School District #11
Nadie ha mostrado síntomas. Solo estamos siendo muy cuidadosos. Perdón por cualquier inconveniente. ¡Manténgase seguro y saludable! Señora Seh Principal Señor Cano Director de servicio de alimentos
over 4 years ago, Somerton School District #11
Nuestro servicio de cafetería estará cerrado hasta el lunes, 18 de mayo. Nuestro personal está tomando precauciones para hacerse una prueba de COVID para continuar garantizando la seguridad de todos.
over 4 years ago, Somerton School District #11
Please note our Cafeteria Service will be closed until Monday, May 18. Precaution to be tested for COVID to continue to ensure everyone’s safety. No shown symptoms. We are only being extra careful. Sorry for any inconvenience. Mrs. Seh Principal Mr. Cano Food Service Director
over 4 years ago, Somerton School District #11
Recuerden darle like a nuestra pagina en Facebook! Estaremos poniéndola al corriente todos los días con noticias acerca de nuestra escuela y actividades para nuestros estudiantes.
over 4 years ago, Somerton School District #11
Remember to like our Facebook Page! We will keep updating it daily with news about school and activities for our students.
over 4 years ago, Somerton School District #11
Queridos padre y estudiantes de OGS, por favor recuerden traer libros que todavia tengan de la biblioteca a la escuela. Hay una caja afuera en donde los pueden poner. Gracias!
over 4 years ago, Somerton School District #11
Dear OGS Parents and students, please remember to bring any books that you still have from the library to our school. We have a box outside where you can place them. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Somerton School District #11
Por favor tráigalos antes del jueves 7 de mayo para que podamos entregarlos antes del Viernes.
over 4 years ago, Somerton School District #11
¡La próxima semana es la semana de agradecimiento a los maestros! Tendremos tarjetas afuera listas para que los estudiantes recojan y escriban algo lindo sobre/a su maestro. Pueden recoger hoy y la próxima semana.
over 4 years ago, Somerton School District #11
Next week is teacher appreciation week!! We will have cards outside ready for students to pick up and write something nice about/to their teacher. You may start picking them up today and next week. Please bring them back before Thursday, May 7th so we can hand them out by Friday.
over 4 years ago, Somerton School District #11
Dear OGS parents, remember to complete the 2020 CENSUS. This helps us get funding for our schools. Queridos padres de OGS, recuerden llenar el CENSUS 2020. Esto nos ayuda a obtener fondos para nuestras escuelas.…
over 4 years ago, Somerton School District #11
Queridos padres de OGS, denle like a nuestra pagina de Facebook. Encontraran noticias a diario a cerca de nuestra escuela.
almost 5 years ago, Somerton School District #11
Dear OGS Parents, please like our Facebook page where you will find daily updates and news about our school.
almost 5 years ago, Somerton School District #11
Here is the daily PE Video! Get moving, Tigers! Aqui esta el video diario de PE. A moverse, Tigres!
almost 5 years ago, Somerton School District #11